We have officially migrated to a new hosting server and have installed a new way of purchasing manuals! Although, we are still quite far from having all the manual files in the inventory shop, we are getting there. Everyday, we will try to add as much and as quick as we can so you can start purchasing your desired manual PDF file.
The new system allows you to checkout, pay and receive your manual PDF file in just 3 minutes! Hoping that there are no errors that gets in your way. If you have any questions, please check the FAQ page first and then contact us if you cannot find your answer. We are consistently updating and checking everything so that all is smooth at your end. But please bear with us as we slowly and carefully put the website back up!
The payment method is still with PayPal and you should receive an email from us immediately after your payment is completed. Once the payment has gone through to our end, your order will be completed and your download link for the manual PDF file will be automatically sent to you via email or you may find it in your Account’s Download section.
The rest of the manuals will be uploaded soon.